
happy turkey month! ~:>

Monday, September 10, 2012

Best Friends:: to date???

so... what do you do when a kid that you were pretty great friends with suddenly comes out and tells you that he'd date you if you weren't a sophomore and he wasn't a senior??? and that he likes you alot. like, alot, alot???
this is what you do:: act totally nonchalant, then as soon as the bell rings for lunch, rush out of the building like your hair is on fire, and go scream to a friend who apparently knew about this whole thing for weeks. well. surprise, surprise. that was not a nice surprise.

the awkward part is he is a football player and you take care of him five days a weeks, four hours a day.

somebody call the awkward hotline. and hurry.

matt gandy. that is his name. he is a senior (duh) and he likes me. i sit next to him in graphic design. we collaborate on projects all the time. due to the fact that we are working on a computer together, we get pretty cozy with one another. I feel like I live in an alternate reality, like this is a bad dream that is going to end as soon as my freaking alarm clock rings. ohmigosh. and to top off my day, my friend stole the guy I really wanted to date. ugh. we would have made a perfect couple... but not anymore! now everyone thinks that matt and I are going to date. whatever. whatever. okay. that is the news.

<3, caela


  1. That is so super exciting! Why aren't you feeling it?

    1. Maybe because I don't think I'd work out... he's a senior! Ahh! Oh! I forgot to tell you how he greets me, because he always comes to class later than I do...
      He takes off his backpack, sits down (on our glorious spinny office chairs), and then looks at me, and then leans across the aisle to Lyle, gives him a high-five, then squeezes my wrist, and tells whatever Matt in the Morning News he feels I need to hear. Then he asks if I'm going to the football game, and like always, I say yes, and he smiles and continues his conversation. Only today he sang "Call Me Maybe" in my ear.
      New news...
      So today in graphic design, we were slaving away over our dumb, dumb, dumb magazine covers, and because I am so technologically advanced (smile) I was quite ahead of Matt in the steps (we get these packets with 'how to do' spelled out step- by- step) and he taps me on the arm, like he always does to get my attention, and asks me how to create the text path (don't ask). I give hime the answer, and he puts his hand out for a high-five (the way he always does... elbow on the desk, hand out, like he's helping someone out of Cinderella's carriage) and I slap his hand (like I always do)and this time, instead of putting his hand down, he squeezes my hand and doesn't let go. Well, we have a problem. He is holding my right hand, which is the hand I need to finish my project, so I try and pull my hand away, but he keeps holding on and then finally lets go. <3, caela
